Sunday, 7 November 2010

Day six: Wedding bells and weight wobbles

Novelty wedding cakeImage via Wikipedia
Little sis, gettin' hitched
Day Six
2 slices of toast, dry: 5 ProPoints
Carrots to nibble on: 0 ProPoints
4 Weight Watchers Dough Balls: 4 ProPoints
Piece of Southern Fried Chicken: 6 ProPoints
Ham, egg and chipsImage by WordRidden via Flickr
Nom nom nom
Gammon Steak: 7 ProPoints
Egg, poached: 3 ProPoints
Low Fat Chips: 4 ProPoints
Mini digestive biscuit: 1 ProPoint
Fruit Salad: 0 ProPoints
Total: 30 ProPoints

Had a lovely day yesterday, pottering around wedding venues for my sister next December. Most of the venues are generous with tea and biscuits, but I managed to restrain myself and limit myself to one bitesize digestive biscuit. I'm hoping all the walking I did burnt it off!

I'm starting to get more used to the new ProPoint plan now. I'm still struggling a little with changing the points in my head, particularly when it comes to allocating ProPoints for each meal. So I'll be spending some time today putting together a list of quick and easy meals that fits breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hopefully this will stop me panicking every time I open the fridge.

I'm a little worried about weighing in tomorrow, but I think by next weekend, I'll be seeing some good results. 

So, with eSource revamping tomorrow, how are you preparing for the ProPoints plan?

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